About Master AD

Beloved Soul,

I am happy to introduce you to my beloved consort Master AD. Acharya Agyaatdarshan Anand Nath, who is lovingly called Master AD by his friends, disciples is poornabhishikta in Kaula-Krama Tradition of SriVidya. He is an enlightened killer in his own words. Some feel he would attract people only to ruthlessly smother their egos. Some neared him because they felt deep urge to feel his transforming energies.. some learnt the very secrets of relating through him.. but most still believe there is lot unknown about him..

One moment you would find him an ordinary person who would feel the pain, get emotional, yell at you.. and the next moment you find him wiping his corner of eyes on listening to any beautiful verse of Upnishad, Koran, Bible, Gita or any other text.

When you are in pain.. you will find him ushering you to a safe comfortable territory.. through his loving ways.. unconditional support and kind words. Show your ego, display apathy towards any other person, try to behave ignorantly… God save you! You would be inviting piercing criticism; He will be showing your true face in the mirror of his words.. to bust your ego.. Yet he is fountain of compassion, source of bliss.. an unconditional lover.. the ocean of unbound knowledge.

You either love him or hate him but for sure.. you can not ignore him. He is a true master.

In the service of divinity in you..

– Shakti Devpriya Anand Nath



8 Responses to About Master AD

  1. machireddy says:

    I came across your website only today. i got answers for so many questions that i was searching for a teacher to ask.
    AD, I want to know – why inspite of sri krishna’s sharp teaching about how to look in equanimity towards all creatures “vidya vinaya sampanne brahjmane . . .” brahmins mostly identify themselves with their untouchable mentality. Do they think that a sri krishna (non brahmin) should not be taken into consideratrion.
    Thank you.
    Machi reddy

  2. machireddy says:

    I want to know what is the difference in the words “belief, faith, trust.”

  3. machireddy says:


    How to understand the theories of “advita, dvaita and visistaadvita”? how far these theories are relevant to the needs of sincere sadhaka? how much are these theories necessary to know about?
    please enlighten the use of “so ham” feeling in pranayama and dhyana.


  4. machireddy says:

    I have been doing regular puja (i think it ‘bhakti’). I am very anxious to inculcate vairagya along with bhakti. Otherwise i feel it to be selfish flattering of the almighty. please, I pray for your help to infuse me with a few thoughts that ignite vairagya and surrunder in me. please show me the way which leads to vairagya and surrunder.


  5. kasyap says:


    I have been reading your messages for a long time. I too have been benefitted by your kind advice regarding pranayama,(nadi sodhana). But even now we are influenced by T V Gurus. Each guru adviises a different type of nadishodhana pranayama and we are a confused lot. As readers were promised by your grace earlier, I request you to give clear instructions through your message, about how to do nadhsodhana pranayama and how much time to do ( minimum/maximum), and the precautions to be taken. Many will be benefitted by your message.


    • Devpriya says:

      Dear Kasyap,
      Thank you for your comment. AD strongly suggests that Yoga is a discipline that cannot be learned without a guru. He suggests that yoga cannot be learned by watching TV in the same way it cannot be learned by reading blogs. So he refrains from writing a method here. Nevertheless Ach. shall be sharing the Vedic wisdom on Pranayam on the blog soon. We have received thousands of requests for that. It is divine grace that we shall soon organize Nadishodhan camps across India. You will be informed soon about it.

      Love and Light

  6. shreya Anamika says:

    Master AD Pranam,

    I read all of your blogs & it is really true scientifically. Need your guidance at my path of life always.

    Thanks for all


  7. mahendhar says:

    Where do i rad or get to know about AD’s enlightenment story/experience?

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